Objectives: The objectives of this work were to calculate the frequency of obstetrical\nemergencies, to describe the socio-demographic profile of women\nadmitted for obstetric emergencies, to identify the main emergencies, to describe\nthe care taking of emergencies and to establish the maternal foetal\nprognosis of obstetric emergencies. Methodology: It was a 6-month descriptive\nprospective study conducted in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department\nof the Donka National Hospital, CHU Conakry, Guinea. The study took\nplace from July 1st to December 31st, 2005. The data collected were entered\nand corrected using the Word and Excel 2010 software and then transferred\nto the Epi Info software version 7 for analysis. The results are presented in the\nform of tables, figures and texts using Word and Excel software, commented\non, discussed and compared to current literature data. The limitations of the\nstudy: The poor filling of the partograph has been the main problem of our\nstudy. Results: The frequency of obstetric emergencies was 19% in the Department.\nThe socio-demographic profile was that of a woman aged 15 to 24\n(46.4%), married (92%), housewives (38.1%), out of school (49.5%), nulliparous\n(34.3%), without prenatal follow-up (47.37%), coming from home\n(56%), evacuated (44%). The main emergencies are dominated by haemorrhage\n(34.5%) followed by HTA Arterial hypertension and eclampsia (25.7%).\nThe therapeutic attitude was based on clinical data and was dominated by\ncaesarean section (70%). General anaesthesia was performed in 75% of cases\nand 1.6% benefited from local anaesthesia. The demand for blood was honoured\nin 19% of the cases. The maternal morbidity was dominated by anaemia\n(66.7%) and a lethality of 4%. After the 5th minute, 47% of the newborns\nhad APGAR greater than 7. The neonatal mortality rate was 21%. Conclusion:\nTo avoid and/or reduce obstetric emergencies, it is necessary to detect\nand treat risk factors during referrals, properly monitor child labor, refurbish\nproviders of basic facilities, promptness in the management of the admission\nof emergencies and the availability of blood products.